Day 133 – Good News !

On Tuesday night, David Cameron spoke to an audience of 140 in Bedford about future Conservative policy after the next General Election – should they win a majority of course.

He was asked about BSF funding and he said that he “thinks” the money will still be available. Excellent news.

He also said that it is up to us in Bedford to decide which school system we want to have. More excellent news.

As we know that the BSF funding does not cover lower-primary change and that this money will be coming out of school budgets probably for the next 25 years, let us decide positively to retain three tier education and to spend BSF funding wisely on our existing school system.

Also that way, if David Cameron takes office and discovers that the public finances are worse than he “thought”, that swingeing cuts will have to be made, and that BSF funding will be reduced dramatically, we won’t be left in the middle of a financial mess of our own making.

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